I am reading this book about office life; it’s a bit like the ever so popular Office Space or the Office television show. There is no real purpose for me to read this book and I’m sure I could find more productive and fulfilling things to do with my time, but sometimes you just need an easy read, right? As mindless as the book is I began to notice it had heightened my awareness of the sheer ridiculousness of office shenanigans. For example, at my office/city, which will remain anonymous, we have a fountain…this said fountain causes hours of meaningless conversation and prohibits productivity by 25%-at the very least. See, the said fountain has flowing issues and you would not believe how many people at my office are experts in fountain building. At any given moment of the day you can find groups of employees huddled around the windows in our break room debating how it was done all wrong, had they just made the wall a little deeper, the sides a little taller, or the water pressure harder. Needless to say I had no problem participating in these conversations until I read the book, now…I see how ridiculous it is. Also, we have a “cool kids” parking lot which is slightly farther and to the left of the front door, we know who we are and we all park there. I once even caught myself glaring at a VP when he unknowingly parked in the wrong lot-the nerve. Oh and then there was the case of the missing coffee, I can’t explain how many hours were spent making accusations, whispering about new suspects, and then finally cracking the case. It was one of the sweet admins…I found out it was her when I saw her unloading all the yummy Starbucks she had just purchased to pitch in. And…Mickey, the office mouse you would have freakin’ thought there was a tyrannosaurs invading cubeland. Anywho; saying all that to say that the work environment is like none other, what may be super cool, interesting, or important at work is totally not in the real world. Corporate Americans beware we are ridiculous.