We are a restless generation. There is a deep longing and desire to do more, serve more, love more, and act more. We talk A LOT about how things need to be different, but are we really acting on our convictions?
I will be the first to admit that I let this world and all the responsibilities/ideals of it take over and I'm left (just to name a few) saying things like "it would be really irresponsible to leave this great job and serve in Africa" or "I am so busy just trying to get by, it would be impossible to organize a fundraiser, volunteer, give money." etc...
I want change and I want to get excited about it, but as the world diSINtegrates before my eyes how do I get motivated. I read a devotion (by the infamous John Roos) behind motivation "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." - 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NASB) Free your life from anything that distracts you. Don't be deceived but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Lay aside every other goal that you might be driven to please and serve Him. Remember that His rewards are not temporary. He will reward you now, and in eternity.
I will be the first to admit that I let this world and all the responsibilities/ideals of it take over and I'm left (just to name a few) saying things like "it would be really irresponsible to leave this great job and serve in Africa" or "I am so busy just trying to get by, it would be impossible to organize a fundraiser, volunteer, give money." etc...
I want change and I want to get excited about it, but as the world diSINtegrates before my eyes how do I get motivated. I read a devotion (by the infamous John Roos) behind motivation "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." - 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NASB) Free your life from anything that distracts you. Don't be deceived but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Lay aside every other goal that you might be driven to please and serve Him. Remember that His rewards are not temporary. He will reward you now, and in eternity.
Whoa! His reward is not temporary...how amazing is that? All this time I spend trying to be rewarded (i.e things, promotions, affirmation) from this world are temporary. What my focus needs to be is doing the Lords will and seeking His pleasure because that is what will remain for eternity!
Lord please free my life from anything that distracts me, and help me to seek your righteousness and reward.
Check out some people who are making a difference under the Get Involved header on the right hand side of the blog.
1 comment:
Yes!!!! I pray too that the Lord removes any distractions from my path.... It is insane how caught up the world we get... Insane.
I needed to read that.
You rock.
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