Saturday, June 14, 2008


I can't read! Not literally, I CAN read I am just having a hard time of it as of late. I used to love to sit down with coffee and dive into a good book for hours, but now I can barely get through one page without thinking of a million other things I need to be doing. Am I falling prey to todays lifestyle of not being able to stay still? Sadly, I would have to day that I am. Another struggle I have had in the past couple of weeks is feeling like I can't hear the Lord, coincidence...I think not. If I can't sit still and be quiet to read than it's no wonder that I can't hear the Lord. How can one be still when this world, and my brain, are so noisy? How do you shhhh your thoughts? I have come to the conclusion, that like most everything, being still and quiet is a decision. One has to make the decision to shut off the world and be ready to receive the heavenly. It's hard, but when I think back about those times that I enjoyed a leisurely morning with coffee and a good book it gets me even more excited about the sweet moments I spend still in the presence of the Lord. Sweet Jesus please help me to be still in the midst of this noisy world.

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